STEP Grant

Idaho to Receive State Trade Expansion Program Grant Dollars

The State of Idaho received a State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) Grant of $445,000 to support the growth of Idaho small business exporters. The grant will fund projects occurring from September 30, 2021, through September 29, 2022. The STEP program is funded in part through a grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and is administered by the Idaho Department of Commerce. The goals of STEP are to increase the number of small businesses that export, increase the value of exports

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SizeUP InlandNW

Competitive Business Intelligence Tool

Take control of your business planning today with this easy to use, real time, data driven tool. SizeUp Inland NW is a powerful FREE tool that enables small and medium-sized businesses across 21 counties to access market research and business intelligence that is industry-specific and hyperlocal. This information can help business owners make data-driven decisions as they recover from the impact of COVID-19, build resilience and thrive. Rank business performance compared to industry competitors Discover potential customers and suppliers Better

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Silver Valley Community Wi-Fi is live

The Silver Valley Economic Development Corporation today announced the launch of the first free drive-in public Wi-Fi sites which will help safely serve those with limited internet connectivity during this time. Silver Valley community Wi-Fi is active for those needing to complete homework, apply for unemployment, pay bills or other essential uses requiring internet.

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